Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Article: Sustainable Schmaltz

I opened my email yesterday to find a lovely article from the New York Times sent to me by the man in my life. It was about food and traditions. How appropriate! It's nice to have a guy who just gets me. Dear readers, if you enjoy what I'm trying to do with this blog, you should enjoy this article as well.

The article is about Jewish Americans reclaiming their traditional foods. Now, I grew up in an area far from traditional Jewish foods and don't even know half of foods referenced in the article (though I doubt many are vegan); but I truly appreciate the movement. It's lovely to see others viewing the past as well as the present and maintaining culture that honors both.

I'll let you read the article in full here.

Here's a snippet to entice you: 
But at last, there are signs of hope. Some older bakeries, like Orwasher’s andKossar’s Bialys, are under new management that is returning to less commercial, better-tasting breads. Russ & Daughters tracked down a Jewish baker in Springfield, Mass., who uses an 80-year-old starter from his family’s long-closed bakery in the Bronx. Now he’s back in New York and baking seriously old-school breads like schissel corn rye, shot through with rich ores of caraway seeds, and an old-fashioned dark pumpernickel baked inside a thin wrapper of light dough to protect the crust from over-baking. 

P.S. I am really tickled by the term, "sustainable schmaltz," and plan to use it with my choir as soon as possible.

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